LED Circuit Resistor Calculator
- 08 Sep, 2020
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Founded by a group of electrical engineers, Kobee's main goal is to simplify electronics design and home automation and making it accesible to everyone, not just the engineering community. In many of our own personal maker journeys we were able to benefit from the amazing open source and community driven content generated by savvy makers all over the world. Though, the issue we always found is that although the content was readily available, the documentation and explanation was sometimes barebones and better suited to the experts that designed it in the first place. We're looking to change that! To explain it as simply and as clearly as we can and to pay it forward to the open source community that we all love
So what can you expect from us? Its unlikely you'll find an in depth explanation of laplace transform here and we're probably not going to delve into the world of imaginary numbers (Sorry). But, if you're looking for straight forward, to the point and simple to understands tutorials, explanations and project examples; we think we just might have you covered.
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